Friday, May 7, 2010

Day 3......

Well this morning started off with the usual creamed porridge, which I think is a perfectly nutritious breakfast for anyone. It fails to fill you up properly though, and two hours later I was famished. I tucked into a Heinz's Spaghetti Bolognese and was shocked by how tasty and satisfying it was.....the spaghetti itself was was definitely less mushy then previous baby pasta I've had and the peas were WHOLE.....that's right, unpuréed. Baffled I checked out the jar to see that it was Heinz's stage 3 on the baby food programme- CHEWING....oh it was amazing. I really have missed chewing food over the past few days which sounds really weird, but part of the process and enjoyment of eating is the chewing. In fact, although the diet has not been around long enough to prove this, nutritionists believes one of the downsides to the baby food diet may be your teeth falling out...because of the lack of chewing..Eep!!

Din-dins consisted of the usual mushiness of a noodle and chicken jar. By the way when they say 'noodles' on the jar, they mean pasta, not real noodles. Again, I was very put out by the families' delicious smelling munched a few rusks to keep me from throwing a tantrum. oh and i also had a jar of this AMAZING bannoffi pudding for dessert, made with golden syrup-yummers!! For supper I had some of Cow&Gates multi grain banana porridge, which did NOT come from a jar (shock, horror) but from a box, made up in the same general way as Ready Brek. It was, however, even less tasteless than Ready Brek, if thats even possible, but I was not one to care much what it tasted like being vwery hungee. I can't say that I'm absolutely starved on this diet though, I just miss the flavours and textures of grown up food.

However, this diet has provided some amusement for all the family, as my brother...and the much anticipated latest photos of Freddie indicate................


  1. My baby niece eats that banana porridge for breakfast. Sometimes mixed with some mushed up banana. LOVES it. You should try making your own mushed foods as well!

  2. Where are the next days? I'm loving this one, I have to say!
