Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Days 4&5.....

Ah Day 4....I have to say this was probably one of the harder days. I think I was slightly fed up with the whole thing. After a less than satisfying banana mush for breakfast, I had a Cow&Gate organic potato, chicken and leek jar which I have to say was rather delicious and quite satisfying. Supplies were low, however, and I had the same thing for dinner. Breaking point came when I went to my friend's house that evening to be greeted by delicious smelling pizza, chips...and then some fairy cakes made an appearance. not good times. I comforted myself with a jar of summer fruit salad. My friends were somewhat fascinated by the diet, and while some found it utterly ridiculous, others said that in times of desperation, they just might give it a try...

The next day I started my lovely banana porridge. My weighing scales informed me that I had in fact dropped 3 pounds. Not amazing, but sufficient. My stomach as well, felt much flatter, goodtimes!! After a potato and leek lunch, I headed into work. Ah would ya stop?? I will, I will indeed. Having made it almost 5 days I decided it was time to call it quits. I was heading out for my work leaving party that night and didn't want to drink on a stomach of baby mush....it could indeed have been a disaster!!

Well at the end of my experience I would have to say that as a long term diet, I would not recommend the baby food diet. The blandness and lack of texture is bound to get to anyone, and as the long term affects on the body are not known, it would not be advisable. HOWEVER, if your looking to drop a few pounds in a hurry, holliers comin up or something like that I would definitely recommend doing the diet for 5 days or a week. Compared to other starvation diets, its really not the worse, alot of the food is tasty, it does fill you and the best part is that it is nutritious. The portions sizes are small and controlled, and with the average jar containing around 100 calories, your guaranteed weight loss. Also if your looking to turn a healthy corner, I definitely recommend that swapping your chocolate bar or crisps for a jar of baby food. The dessert jars are delish, and a perfect alternative to a less healthy snack, also the jars are very convenient to carry with you....even if you do get some confused looks!!

So at the end of my baby food journey, it's day-day from myself and freddie!!!

Friday, May 7, 2010

Day 3......

Well this morning started off with the usual creamed porridge, which I think is a perfectly nutritious breakfast for anyone. It fails to fill you up properly though, and two hours later I was famished. I tucked into a Heinz's Spaghetti Bolognese and was shocked by how tasty and satisfying it was.....the spaghetti itself was was definitely less mushy then previous baby pasta I've had and the peas were WHOLE.....that's right, unpuréed. Baffled I checked out the jar to see that it was Heinz's stage 3 on the baby food programme- CHEWING....oh it was amazing. I really have missed chewing food over the past few days which sounds really weird, but part of the process and enjoyment of eating is the chewing. In fact, although the diet has not been around long enough to prove this, nutritionists believes one of the downsides to the baby food diet may be your teeth falling out...because of the lack of chewing..Eep!!

Din-dins consisted of the usual mushiness of a noodle and chicken jar. By the way when they say 'noodles' on the jar, they mean pasta, not real noodles. Again, I was very put out by the families' delicious smelling fajitas....so munched a few rusks to keep me from throwing a tantrum. oh and i also had a jar of this AMAZING bannoffi pudding for dessert, made with golden syrup-yummers!! For supper I had some of Cow&Gates multi grain banana porridge, which did NOT come from a jar (shock, horror) but from a box, made up in the same general way as Ready Brek. It was, however, even less tasteless than Ready Brek, if thats even possible, but I was not one to care much what it tasted like being vwery hungee. I can't say that I'm absolutely starved on this diet though, I just miss the flavours and textures of grown up food.

However, this diet has provided some amusement for all the family, as my brother...and the much anticipated latest photos of Freddie indicate................

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Day 2


Well given that I forgot to buy more creamed porridge, my morning started off with a very gloopy egg custard....once heated though it did the job just fine. I was hungry two hours later so whacked a bitta Cow&Gates noodles with chicken in the micro. It was nice...but I'm starting to see a pattern here...of all the food tasting.....more or less, THE SAME!!!

Don't judge a jar by it's contents.....

By dinner time, I was getting notably more cranky...probably because I had to look at my family tucking into a roast dinner. I had another one of the Cow&Gate Little Gourmet meals which I ate as slowly as possible to try and make myself be fuller. I then scoffed a couple of packets of liga. My tummy has been feeling odd all day...which I think is a result of my digestive system feeling ridiculously unchallenged.


After dinner I went to Spar to pick up some more jars of the baba food. I'm not gonna lie I did get some...'she's very young to have a baby looks'......I suppose its better than them knowing that I'm willingly eating pureed food, ya know just for the craic like! I opted for some Heinz's Rusks instead of the Liga this time. They were slightly different in texture and in shape but ultimately tasted the same as their Liga rivals. By nighttime I was full and satisfied. I have to say that I have noticed a lack of energy on my part, and increased tiredness.....so needless to say I was all tuckered out and ready for beddypies....

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Babelicious.....Day 1, May 4th

Well I started my Baby food diet today, and to be honest is was more full of giggles than tears and tantrums. I decided to try out a range of different baby brands so I could compare and contrast them.

I kick started the morning with a jar of Cow&Gates creamed porridge, which I heated in the microwave. It was surprisingly delicious despite its gloopy look, I combined this with orange juice (cause babies always have juice.....) for a filling and satisfying breakie.


I was on the go all day, so it was quite handy to pop a jar of Heinz's 'Mum's Own Recipe', Mediterranean veggies, chicken and sweet potato and a spoon in my bag. Come lunchtime I was quite hungry and went to Stephan's green. Admittedly I looked for a secluded spot in the park so people couldn't gawk at the crazy lady with baby food. Even though I had no micro, I was surprised by how good the food tasted. It was full of flavour and according to the jar contained 2 portions of babies veggies for the day as well as a source of iron. While I was enjoying the jar, the first word that would spring to mind while describing it was 'pure'. There was something my taste buds were missing...and then I realised it was all the crappy preservatives and additives that are added to adult food. All baby food contains low salt, no added preservatives, artificial flavours or colours. I began thinking that if we could feed babies the right food, why couldn't we eat better ourselves? I was completely full after my jar of food, something else I'll say for baby food, it completely fills you up.
Picnic for one
As I had to run to work I didn't have time to have dinner, so I popped into Tesco where I picked up some classic Liga. It is undeniably delicious and again, full of the complete goodness which we feed babies, but not ourselves. There is minimal writing done on the baby food diet, and many of the guidelines I have read involve replacing one or two meals a day with baby food, as opposed to all three. However, being dedicated I am going all out and going cold-adult food, I want to completely absorb myself in the infant gastronomic world.

Freddie lovin the Liga

By the end of work, I was, admittedly hungry and headachy. So when I got home I popped a Cow&Gate's 'Little Gourmet' meal of Penne napolitana in the mirco, it was again, very tasty and completely satisfying. For dessert I had Cow&gate banana and cookie crumble, again delectable.


At the end of my first day I was full and satisfied. Have I started losing weight? Well seeing as an average jar of baby food contains less than 100 calories...I would say I definitely have. As for the baby food, I have to say babies are lucky sons-of-guns, not only is the food yummy, but they have all the choice in the world in regards to flavours AND there is practically no chewing involved.....What the hell are they crying about all the time then??